Refund and Returns Policy

Return and Refund Policy

1. Overview

Our return and refund policy ensures that students and their families can enroll in our educational programs with confidence. We are committed to delivering high-quality education and services. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we are here to help.

2. Refund Eligibility

Refunds are available under the following circumstances:

  • Course Cancellation by Institution: If the educational institution cancels a course before it begins, students are entitled to a full refund of any tuition fees paid for that course.
  • Course Withdrawal by Student: Students who withdraw from a course before it starts or within the first week of the course are eligible for a full refund, minus a [insert specific amount or percentage] administrative fee.
  • Special Circumstances: Refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis for special circumstances such as medical emergencies, family emergencies, or other significant situations that prevent the student from continuing their education.

3. Non-Refundable Fees

Certain fees are non-refundable. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Registration fees
  • Application fees
  • Administrative fees
  • Materials fees (e.g., textbooks, software licenses)

4. Refund Process

To request a refund, follow these steps:

  1. Submit a Refund Request: Contact our administration office at [insert contact email or phone number] and submit a formal refund request. Include your name, course details, and the reason for the refund request.
  2. Review and Approval: Our administration team will review your request and notify you of the approval or denial of your refund within [insert timeframe, e.g., 10 business days].
  3. Refund Issuance: If approved, refunds will be processed within [insert timeframe, e.g., 14 business days] through the original method of payment.

5. Partial Refunds

For students who withdraw from a course after the first week but before completing 50% of the course, partial refunds may be granted. The amount refunded will be prorated based on the number of weeks attended. After 50% of the course has been completed, no refunds will be issued.

6. Appeals

If you believe your refund request has been unfairly denied, you may appeal the decision. To do so, submit a written appeal to [insert contact email or office] within 10 business days of receiving the denial. Include any additional information or documentation that supports your case. Appeals will be reviewed within 15 business days, and a final decision will be communicated to you.

7. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding our return and refund policy, please contact us at:

8. Policy Changes

Our institution reserves the right to modify this return and refund policy at any time. Changes will be posted on our website and will become effective immediately. It is the responsibility of the student to stay informed of any changes.

Thank you for choosing ISPA USA. We value your trust and strive to provide an excellent educational experience.